Yesterday was good after a frustrating Friday night.
Friday at around six, I set out to go north toward Linda's house. We had plans to get mani/pedi's. Well no sooner than I got on the interstate, I found myself in ten lanes of traffic. To make a miserable story short, I gave up after an hour and two miles. I turned around and came 'home' to Mayer. I cannot believe I am calling this tiny hotel room home. So weird.
It turns out the traffic was from an overturned gravel truck. Thank goodness it wasnt' normal Friday night traffic!
Anyway, we made plans to get up early and try again. I left here around 8:15 headed north again. My neighbor flagged me down. Mayer was barking and bothering him so I came back and got the pain in the butt and took him with.
After nails, I drove around looking at housing. Nothing good going on there.
I met Linda and David at a wine tasting to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Solana Beach. It is only about 2 minutes from here. Everything is about 20 minutes from here. I love it!
The event was fun. Very casual and very relaxed. We didnt win but we found some good wines that we like!
Today Mayer and I are headed up to the Los Angeles area. Gabrielle's summer team is practicing and I want to show support and meet some of the parents. It is crazy how busy I am staying but it is good too!
We are taking the 805 to the 5 and on in to LA. Do I sound like a Californian? Certainly not. I cannot remember how many people have asked me where my accent is from. But, I did figure out why people here refer to the interstates as THE 5 or THE 15. Because there are so dang many interstates and highways here. Its just easier to say "Take the 805 to the five and then get on the 52" than to say "Take eye 805 to eye 5 and then get on county road 52" OR maybe it's because the people here don't know if the 52 is a county road, state road or dirt road. I think I just figured it out. They dont care what kind of road it is. It is simply THE 52.
Until next time!
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